Presence of a Document

Too Bad to be False

Custard Creams:

A Photographic Study

Presence of a Document

“Politics is not about objective reality, but virtual reality. What happens in the political world is divorced from the real world. It exists for only the fleeting historical moment, in a magical movie of sorts, a never-ending and infinitely revisable docudrama. Strangely, the faithful understand that the movie is not true -- yet also maintain that it is the only truth that really matters.” Michael Kelly










I asked 36 people, from a variety of backgrounds to sculpt whatever they please from up to 360 custard creams. They could use as little or as many as they pleased. They had a ten minute time frame, and could not confer with others that were undertaking the study.

I lit and photographing their creations. I hold authorship over the images however they act in a similar way to "collaborative self portraits" but it can be read as "inner portraits" and i wish to pursue the project in the future but applying certain psychological theories.


But mainly this project exists because of a love for custard creams.